Is there a point in planning any part of life?

Is there a point in planning any part of life?

Dear Rupert,

Thanks so much for your reply. Am I right in thinking that there is no point in planning any part of life, and we should just give up and see what happens?

With love,


Dear Sally,

No! It is the belief in being a separate entity that is given up. As a natural corollary to the letting go of this belief, certain changes at the level of the mind, body and world may occur.

Practical thoughts, amongst others, will still occur and some of these may involve planning, but the plans will no longer revolve around a separate entity. They will simply appear in the same impersonal way that everything appears, like the sound of the rain or the traffic. In other words, if your thoughts contain the personal entity, see clearly that the personal entity around which they revolve is non-existent and, as a result, drop the thought.

If the thought does not contain the belief in such an entity, allow it to unfold, and likewise allow its fulfilment to unfold, even if this may involve some careful planning!

So give up the personal entity and see what happens!

With love,


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